The New York Nighthawks Softball Team Shop is now live!
The perpetual shop provides access to all STOCK goods under the Wilson umbrella at 20% off and free shipping. Once in the shop on the left hand side you will see a “Game Day Gear” tab. That dropdown will show you the different categories of stock goods. This part of the store is open 24/7 ( Bats, Gloves , Protective Gear). Wilson Owns: Louisville Slugger : Demarini :EvoShield : ATEC
Any Questions players and parents can use that Chat box on a live shop or reach out to (
First Time Users: (;!!ETWHofP4MC0!5xVQX1M9lxWuqRXCX7AS5ZUCl7nA462UAWZ_rlrr5p34uTydrJylDBHRnjhnuto-RgmGoJi2aMEdTLxFi64pMWc4zSaJj5U$)
Returning Users:
Team.Shop | (;!!ETWHofP4MC0!5xVQX1M9lxWuqRXCX7AS5ZUCl7nA462UAWZ_rlrr5p34uTydrJylDBHRnjhnuto-RgmGoJi2aMEdTLxFi64pMWc4vheKnIA$)
Custom Store closes: 9/3/23 at Midnight
Invite Code: